
For fellow visual artists this information will be very familiar.  Basic art principles of design apply to all art forms and it is always good to remind ourselves of them:  balance, movement, rhythm, focus, contrast, pattern and proportion in harmony with one another.  To achieve this in painting we use line, shape, color, value, form, texture and space.  The ultimate goal is to create a unified composition that is pleasing to the eye and communicates your intended message.

For a more comprehensive understanding of composition there is a wealth of information on the internet.  Search for Art Principles, Art Elements and/or Art Composition.

Visit your local library and browse the art book section.  To view and study the lovely reproductions that can be found in art books helps to reinforce and brings a greater understanding of basic art principles. To study and analyze a well executed art work that reflects strong composition is an excellent teacher.

Remember that you are the designer, the artist.  Your goal is not to copy what God has created but to express your perceptions and ideas. So use your tools with wisdom and attention to good composition.

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